<uni-popup ref="codeInputPopup" background-color="#fff" :mask-click ="false" type="center"> <CodeInput :codeLength="5" :disabled="codeBtnDisabled" @codeInputClose="codeInputClose" @submitGoodCode="submitGoodCode" /> </uni-popup> <script> export default { data() { return { intviation_code:"", //邀请码 codeBtnDisabled: false //防止接口请求还未返回数据,用户多次点击 } }, methods: { // 提交邀请码 async submitGoodCode(intviation_code){ this.codeBtnDisabled = true this.intviation_code = intviation_code const response = await this.$api.post("/ebapi/pink_api/secret_intviation_check", { code: intviation_code }) if(response.code === 200){ this.codeBtnDisabled = false this.$refs.codeInputPopup.close() }else{ this.codeBtnDisabled = false this.$refs.codeInputPopup.close() this.$api.msg(response.msg) } }, codeInputClose(){ this.$refs.codeInputPopup.close() this.codeBtnDisabled = false } } </script>
<template> <view> <view> <view>请输入商品邀请码</view> <view @click="codeInputClose"> <uni-icons type="closeempty" size="30" color="#999999" /> </view> </view> <!-- 错误提示 --> <view v-if="codeColor == "#ff0000"&& !isNum">邀请码必须{{ codeLength }}位数</view> <view v-if="codeColor == "#ff0000"&& isNum ">邀请码必须是数字</view> <view> <view v-for="(item, index) in codeLength" :key="index" :style="(index == intviation_code.length? "border: 5rpx solid #1195db; width: 88rpx; height: 88rpx; line-height: 80rpx;":"color: " + codeColor + ";" +"border: 2rpx solid" + codeColor)" @click="focus = true" >{{ intviation_code[index] && intviation_code[index] || "" }}</view> <input type="tel" v-model="intviation_code" :maxlength="codeLength" :focus="focus" :cursor="intviation_code.length" @focus="focus = true " @blur="focus = false" /> </view> <button :class="["submit_code_btn", disabled ? "btn_disabled" : ""]" :disabled="disabled" @click="submitGoodCode" >确定</button> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { codeColor: "#313131", //自定义错误码颜色 intviation_code: "", //用户输入的验证码 focus: false, // 动态获取焦点的值 isNum: false, } }, props: { codeLength: { type: Number, default: 5, }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, }, methods: { codeInputClose() { this.intviation_code = "" this.$emit("codeInputClose") }, submitGoodCode() { if (this.intviation_code.length === this.codeLength) { if (Number(this.intviation_code)) { this.$emit("submitGoodCode", this.intviation_code) } else { this.isNum = true this.publicErrorSetting() } } else { this.publicErrorSetting() } }, // 输入不符合规范,更改样式并清空 publicErrorSetting() { this.codeColor = "#ff0000" setTimeout(() => { this.intviation_code = "" this.codeColor = "#313131" this.isNum = false }, 1000) }, }, } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .code-popup-top { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 50upx; .code-title { font-size: 34upx; color: #333; font-weight: bold; position: relative; &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 40upx; height: 19upx; background: linear-gradient( to right, rgba(57, 181, 74, 1), rgba(57, 181, 74, 0.1) ); } } .close-icon { background: #f2f4f7; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } } .code_errow { font-size: 30upx; color: #ff5500; margin-bottom: 20upx; } .submit_code_btn { width: 100%; height: 83upx; line-height: 83upx; border-radius: 7upx; background: #39b54a; color: #fff; font-size: 31upx; text-align: center; margin-top: 45upx; } .btn_disabled { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important; background-color: rgba(57, 181, 74, 0.4) !important; } .code_input_con { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; position: relative; .code_input_item { margin-left: 10upx; text-align: center; line-height: 88upx; border-radius: 14upx; width: 88upx; height: 88upx; font-size: 60upx; font-weight: bold; color: #333; &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } /*input隐藏掉*/ .cinput { position: absolute; top: 0; left: -100%; width: 100%; height: 100%; } } </style>
1)input 的type=‘number’, ios手机正常,光标在内容最后,但Android手机光标有时候在内容最前面,导致聚焦内容删不掉。
修改input 的type = 'tel'
, 这样cursor属性才生效,并指定focus时光标的位置在内容最后;
color: transparent; caret-color: transparent;
<template> <view> <input type="number" v-model="intviation_code" :maxlength="codeLength" :focus="focus" @focus="focus = true " @blur="focus = false" /> </view> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { intviation_code: "", //商品邀请码 focus: false, } }, methods: {} </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .cinput { position: absolute; top: 0; left: -100%; width: 200%; height: 100%; color: transparent; //输入文字颜色透明 caret-color: transparent !important; //改变插入光标颜色为透明 } } // 考虑兼容性 // 浏览器支持caret-color属性,优先使用caret-color(Chrome/Firefox/Opera);其次使用::first-line方法(Safari);最后忽略(如IE)。 @supports (-webkit-mask: none) and (not (caret-color: transparent)) { .cinput { color: transparent !important; } .cinput::first-line { color: transparent !important; } } </style>
uniapp 手机验证码输入框(随机数、倒计时、隐藏手机号码中间四位)可以直接使用