# yum install poppler-utils
或者在Debian / Ubuntu中使用如下指令:
$ sudo apt-get install poppler-utilspdftotext 使用语法
pdftotext {PDF-file} {text-file}如何将pdf转化为text?
将php-manual.pdf 转化为 php-manual.txt:
$ pdftotext php-manual.pdf php-manual.txt
只转化前 5 页和后 10 页:
$ pdftotext -f 5 -l 10 php-manual.pdf php-manual.txt
转化加密过的pdf文件(owner password ):
$ pdftotext -opw ’password’ php-manual.pdf php-manual.txt
转化加密过的pdf文件(user password ):
$ pdftotext -upw ’password’ php-manual.pdf php-manual.txt
Sets the end-of-line convention to use for text output. You can set it to unix, dos or mac. For UNIX / Linux oses, enter:
$ pdftotext -eol unix php-manual.pdf php-manual.txt更多命令:man page pdftotext
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